Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blog Phase 2

Name: ______________________________                                                                                      Ms. Alexis
Period: _____  Date: __________________                                                                                      The Future


Now that you’ve had the chance to explore the issues, choose one to focus on for the rest of the year. 

The Issues:

-          Environment
-          Government
-          Technology
-          Biotechnology/Genetics
-          Inequality (race, gender, etc.)
-          Religion
-          War

  This focus will inform your selection of independent reading books as well as the topic of your research paper.

Overview of the Phase 2:

Phase 2: Focused Inquiry (second quarter)
-          During this phase, you will select one of the seven issues on which to focus, and will read 1 (CP) or 2 (Honors) books that address your selected issue.
-          Your blog will function as your Reader’s Notebook for these independent texts.

Each posting needs to include the following:
-          A carefully typed passage or two from the text with a citation.
-          Your personal response and explanation of the context of the passage.
-          Analysis of the purpose of the passage, specific techniques used to achieve this purpose, and the overall effect.
-          A connection to one or more of our essential questions:
§  What does it mean to be human?
§  What do our depictions of the future reveal about the present?
§  How do we use language / images to manipulate people’s minds?
-          A reflection/connection to previous ideas addressed in your other postings. 

There will be two dates that check your progress:
Sunday, December 18:  CP should have 4 posts; Honors should have 6 posts.
Friday, January 13: Final Grade—all posts due: CP should have 8; Honors should have 12. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Google Docs: Share a Collection

1.Log on to your google docs account. 
2. Click "Create," and choose "Collection."
3. Name the collection your LAST NAME, FIRST NAME.  For example, I would call mine Alexis, Shannon.
4. After creating the collection, go to the home page, and right-click the collection folder.  Select "Share" from the options.

5. Type in my email address, then click "Done."  (See the pics below to guide you through the steps).

From now on, all of the papers you write for me need to be moved into that collection folder by the due date.  I will grade them from there. 

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Film Circle Glog

For this project, you will create an online, multimedia poster using  Your poster should highlight the dystopian nature of the film, as well as the scenes you selected for the analysis.  Make use of the multimedia capabilities by adding sound and video clips in addition to relevant images.  Watch the video tutorial below to get the basics of the website.
Glogster Tutorial

After making the poster, one per group, you will present it to the class, explaining the premise of the film and the dystopian elements depicted on your poster. The presentation should be approximately 5-7 minutes long.  Refer to your Dystopian Qualities Handout in creating your poster, being sure to identify the type of criticism your film is making.